Vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers
Vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers

vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers

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    vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers

    Using the rotate tool will rotate the object as indicated by the tool preview. Using any of the rotate menu commands will rotate the beam around the anchor point specified in Object Info.Using the rotation tool with any point other than the focus as the center of rotation.Changing the rotation parameter in Object Info.The rotation parameter now appears in the Location section of Object Info.2D views show an indicator of fixture orientation.The BeamViz object orientation corresponds to the hanging orientation of the light. Several changes to clarify the light rotation versus pan.New parameter to show/hide beam angle Convert to Lighting Devices now remembers how angles map to lighting instrument types Rotation improvements

    vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers

    Copying a beam or moving with throw or plan distance locked will now detect any visible focus points and set the beam to that focus.Dragging the insertion point of the beam on to a focus point will detect it.Dragging the focus control point now detects focus points.Inserting in two point mode or dragging the focus or light location shows the throw distance and angle to face in the data bar.Consistent visual feedback shows the cone edge and beam cross section when inserting in two-point mode, dragging the focus or light control points, or dragging the beam in fixed height mode.New insertion mode to draw from the focus point to hanging location.New command to add BeamViz objects to existing lights Peak Candela synchronizes to Lighting Devices and render lights Usability Enhancements Better user feedback inserting, reshaping, and moving beams This includes when using the new Spotlight focus commands and tools.Tighter Spotlight Integration Pan and tilt synchronize to linked lighting devices. Option to ignore pan and tilt, perfect for sending the correct hanging point and fixture orientation for moving lights.You will find a new menu command: Export BeamViz to Augment3D, and a help guide in the resulting dialog. Export BeamViz data to ETC Eos Augment3D via an OSC connection.

    Vectorworks 2019 swap between two different serial numbers